Monday, 17 May 2010

News from the Clubs

As part of the lodge’s duty to the conservation project, managers from both the lodge and CCSC visit the clubs to discuss the season ahead. Any donated items are handed out at this time and also areas of improvement or progress are discussed. The clubs have the following news to report:
The Womens' Club:
The women are continuing to make doilies and host lunches for guests on village tours. They are also hoping to make new jewellery items to sell at the lodge after a generous donation of earring clasps from Claudia Behlert begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, one of the project directors. The new items should be on sale soon!
The Carpentry Club:
The carpentry club is now self sustaining and virtually independent of CCSC! We helped them with the donation of some new tyres in order for them to continue the use of the vehicle they sustain themselves. We have ordered a new table (due for delivery soon!) to act as a dining able in the managers area and we will be working with them to create a buffet area in our new lapa.
The Gardening Clubs:
We are looking forward to receiving our first batch of fruit and vegetables from the gardening clubs very soon. Passimo’s gardening club has received a selection of seeds to help get things started and will be bringing the first harvest sometime next month. Joseph’s club have started to make egg cups to sell and use at the lodge. These items can be seen along with the keyrings and clay pots he makes at the shop.
Chilubezi School:
Chilubezi School is looking forward to rebuilding at some point this year. With help from CCSC and the community, the school is hoping to build a brick and tin school block. We are pleased to announce that the students end of year exams were a success with many students performing above average.
Chocha School:
During the rainy season, Chocha built a brick assembly area outside the school building to serve as an area for the children to be grouped together for school meetings. The school raised the money for the bricks independently and the area looks very smart. The school has also implemented a new scheme in order to regularly gain chalk. Each pupil brings with them a very small amount of money. Once all the money is collected, it is enough to buy a box of chalk. The school has an agreement with local government school and shops for the purchase and delivery of the chalk from Lundazi. The students of Chocha also did very well in their end of year exams. Well done to all!

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