Sunday, 10 October 2010

End of Season 2010 - A final say from the Lodge Manager

“Well, we have come to the end of yet another wonderful and memorable season here at LWL. I must say we have had a much improved season in comparison to last year so a big thanks to all who visited us. I do hope many of you keep in touch and that we will see you again in years to come. There have been some unforgettable moments such as guests turning up after cycling to us on push bikes! Jörg Völlm, bringing another group of wonderful guests to us, including our oldest visitor, Margaret. We have been able to welcome our largest number of Spanish and Swiss guests since the lodge has opened. We have had famous authors drop in and tell us a tale or two. We must extend a big thank you to our sponsors and directors who visited and supported us this year and lastly, I would like to acknowledge the self drivers and guided tours that passed by our campsite this year. We have had some real adventurers travelling through and it is always great to hear their stories.
So as I watch as the lodge is being packed away ready for the rains I would like to reflect on a special moment I wish to share with you all.
As many of you know this is my second full season here and I have been unlucky in spotting a full grown male lion here. There have been several times guests have returned from game activities telling me of a big male on the plains or a proud lion crossing the road with his pride in tow, however, up until recently I had never seen one.
It was the 24th October, Zambian Independence day and myself and the other managers were preparing a special supper to celebrate such a day. We were all chatting away contently when we were disturbed by some aggravated barking from baboons. This is not an uncommon occurrence, as they often announce the arrival of our resident male leopard, however, on this occasion, they were really “shouting”. A few moments later we were silenced by the unmistakable call of a male lion, just meters away from us in the thicket. We carefully and silently climbed on the kitchen surfaces looking for him….but….nothing. Then, he called again, this time closer still until the amazing creature emerged from the bushes in the car park just 20 meters or so from where we were stood. He stared at us for a while and then as calmly as he arrived he swaggered off. With a tear in my eye I realised that instead of me having to go out in search of my male lion, he had come to me instead!! What an incredible moment.
So from myself, Bjorn, Joe and Josie we wish all the Europeans a good winter and all the Zambian’s a good rainy season and harvest. We look forward to the season to come and see you all again some time!”

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